Friday, May 27, 2011

Wanderlust 2011 Part 4.something

I'm loading my bike up right now. I should just have to get dressed tomorrow morning and roll out. If you'll be meeting me there, have a great ride! If you're missing out on this one, well, that's too bad. Looks like the weather is going to cooperate...more or less. Should be a real nice ride on Sunday. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wanderlust Revisited

Okay. So. I'm actually going this weekend.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wanderlust 2011 Delayed!

My significant other informed me this morning that I have a wedding to attend this weekend. That means the trip to the lake shore is put on hold for one week.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wanderlust 2011 Part 3

Link to Part 1

Okay, so I'm going to ride to Saugatuck on Saturday, May 21st, 2011. I will be leaving Hastings around 10 AM. That should put me at Saugatuck Dunes State Park some time around 3 PM. High temperatures are supposed to be in the 70's and overnight lows in the lower 60's.

Once I get there, I'll be either swimming, laying on the beach, hiking back and forth from the beach, or playing disk golf. You can find directions to the disk golf course on my route sheet in the Part 2. If you're going to come out, and you want me to be looking for you, drop me an email at pocketfullofaugerchips at gmail dot com, or you can just surprise me if you actually do show up.

Monday, May 16, 2011

2011 Le Tour de Donut

Greenville, MI
Friday, September 24th, 2011

(From the 2010 info)
The “Tour De Donut” bike race is a spoof on the “Tour de France”. This appetizing 30 mile bike race is a fun race with rest stops every 10 miles where racers can get water, fruit, first aid, use the bathroom, and get delectable DONUTS. For every tasty donut eaten, a tempting three minutes are deducted from your official finish time. There are only two rules: All donuts must be eaten in the “Donut Zones” and if you toss your cookies- you’re DQ’d. The race has well marked roads, assisted crossings, sag support, awards, prizes and is tons of fun for families, individuals and even experienced cyclists. The race begins and ends at Klackle Orchards Family Fun Farm west of Greenville. The course follows lightly used rural roads and a paved scenic bike trail. Are you a good enough cyclist and donut eater to go into negative time? Competitive cyclists- what’s your strategy? Are you a “glutton” for punishment?

You Can Race or Ride Just for Fun
Keep in mind, 30 miles is no easy task for many mortals! If this is true for you, your family & friends, and perhaps you are looking for a less competitive ride, then ride the 10 mile Family Fun Ride. This group of riders will leave the start shortly after the racers, however they will not be issued race numbers nor will they be timed. They will ride the first 10 miles and “shortcut” to the finish line to enjoy fresh squeezed cider and apple crisp donuts as their reward. Perhaps make it a family challenge! Entry fee is the same and included is a Fun Ride T-shirt, refreshments, and a chance at some really cool participant awards.

or Just Enjoy the Post Race Party
The great post-event party includes the awards ceremony, live entertainment, great food like Pancakes & other eats and of course all the fun Fall activities offered at the Klackle Orchards Family Fun Farm!

I'll keep an eye out for additional information, but it sounds like a great time! This is an event I've wanted to do since I first heard about it.

Wanderlust 2011 Part 2

Link to Original Post (Yes, I know it's right down the page but this should keep things more simple.

Here is my new route with some extra details added:
There is a disk golf course pretty much next door to the beach. I'll be bringing my disks. Here's the info on the disk golf course: Link

I'm thinking of going this Saturday or next. That would be May 21st or May 28th. It depends on the weather. So check back here for confirmation.

Making a Tough Job Tougher

This is a long video, but I think it's pretty good.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wanderlust 2011

I've got Motion City Soundtrack stuck in my head, and that can only mean one thing: It's time for a bike tour! Now a bike tour can mean a lot of different things depending on who you ask. Technically, I just want to go "bike camping", but most people don't understand the difference. (Or care that there is a difference.) Anyway, I'm planning to head on some morning, point my bike west, ride until I hit a lake to big to ride around in a day, go swimming, eat, set up camp, eat some more, maybe drink some beer, sleep, pack up, and ride back home.

Here's my route: LINK

When: This seems to be the thing I have the most trouble with. The truth is, I don't know yet. Maybe next weekend, ie, May 21st and 22nd. Maybe. Hopefully. Maybe.

Who: Me, and anybody who cares to show up at the beach at Saugatuck Dunes State Park on the day in question.

What (to bring): Ride your bike. Bring food. Bring beer if you like. Bring your sleeping bag and tent. I'm planning to camp in the woods between the entrance and the beach or on the dune overlooking the beach.

I'll nail down a date within the next few days. If nobody else can make it I'll still have a great time, but it would be cool to meet some other people on the beach. If you need to do planning, I can best be reached at pocketfullofaugerchips at gmail dot com. Otherwise, it'll be sweet to meet some folks there the day of and be surprised by who shows up.

Stay tuned for more details.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Rider, Wouter Weylandt, dies after crash in Giro d’Italia

From VeloNews:
"The Italian news agency RAI is reporting that Leopard-Trek’s Wouter Weylandt died after crashing out of the Giro d’Italia Monday."