As you may know, I've been unemployed for a few months now. Job prospects are a bit dim for engineers in the state of Michigan. So, while I am looking for a job, I thought it would be a good idea to supplement my unemployment checks with a little extra income.
I wanted to do something that interests me, and something that wouldn't totally consume my time. So I sat down and designed a pattern for a messenger bag, based on the things I like best about the bags I have owned, and (hopefully) staying away from the things I don't like about those bags.
A friend of mine, whom I met through cycling, is fixing me up a heavy duty sewing machine to get me started. As soon as I get the machine set up I'll put together a prototype, use it, make whatever changes are needed, and then make the first production bag. At this point, I'm planning to send that first bag to Urban Velo to be reviewed and because lots of people read their blog and lots of other blogs get content from Urban Velo. Hopefully that will spread the word quickly.
Other products will probably follow. I have plans to make dog beds out of Cordura for people with dogs that like to chew. I already have a perfect test house for those. Top tube pads seem like a good idea, and maybe custom handlebar pads for polo bikes too.
Time will tell. I don't know how to sell thing yet. I'll have to figure a way to get a real website, and maybe move this blog there. These are problems for the future (the real near future) and I'm sure I can figure it out.
If you have any ideas that you would really like to see incorporated into a messenger bag, let me know: legitimatemustard at gmail dot com